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The following provides some basic reference information on laws, rules and regulations relating to the profession, licensure and practice of dental hygiene. It is not a comprehensive list but intended to provide initial background and sources.


Education Law

Dentistry and Dental Hygiene [and Certified Dental Assisting] – Article 133


Dental Hygiene Restricted Local Infiltration Anesthesia/Nitrous Oxide Analgesia Certificate:6605-b 

Definition of Practice of Dental Hygiene:6606

 Practice of Dental Hygiene and Use of Title “Dental Hygienist”: 6607

Requirements for a License as a Dental Hygienist: 6609

Mandatory Continuing Education for Dental Hygienists: 6609-a

Limited Permit to Practice Dental Hygiene: 6609-b

Exempt Persons: 6610

Special Provisions: 6611

Nitrous Oxide Equipment: 6613 


Rules of Board of Regents

Unprofessional Conduct

Part 29

General Provisions: 29.1 

General Provisions for Health Professionals: 29.2

Special Provisions for Dentistry and Dental Hygiene: 29.5


Commissioner's Regulations

Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, and Certified Dental Assisting

Education Requirements and Requirements for restricted local infiltration anesthesia/nitrous oxide analgesia certificate: Part 52 

Part 61

Professional Study of Dental Hygiene (Education Requirements): 61.6

Licensing Examination: 61.7 

Licensure by Endorsement: 61.8 

Practice of Dental Hygiene (Including Supervision Provisions): 61.9 

Continuing Education for Dental Hygienists: 61.16

Dental Hygiene Restricted Local Infiltration Anesthesia/Nitrous Oxide Analgesia Certificate: 61-17