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About NYDHA’s Advocacy for the Profession Of Dental Hygiene

What We Do: The New York Dental Hygienists’ Association Governmental Affairs and Public Policy Division is the legislative and advocacy voice for thousands of dental hygienists’ in New York. We represent a broad array of dental hygienists – those in private clinical practice as well as those in dental public health; dental and dental hygiene educators, corporate representatives and researchers.

Through an active and year-round Governmental Affairs program on legislation, regulations, licensure and practice issues, we work to advance the profession in areas of education, licensure and practice, as well as improve the oral health status of all New Yorkers. You will find us advocating for the profession at the Capitol, the Legislative Office Building, agencies and beyond.

We focus on assuring the dental hygienists’ role in the promotion of oral health as part of overall health and in disease prevention activities and preventive oral health services.

How We Do It: NYDHA, in coordination with its Vice President of Governmental Affairs and Public Policy,the Board, Government Affairs and Association members, works with NYS policy-makers to shape oral health policy to address ongoing oral health concerns.Where appropriate, we work with other associations with mutual interests, public and private partners.Such issues include ensuring access to preventive oral health care, advocating for funding for dental public health programs and services; ensuring a workforce to meet current and future needs with opportunity to maximize use of its education and experience; and eliminating oral health inequities and disparities.

The Governmental Affairs and Public Policy Division monitors developments and emerging policy issues in oral health and general health care and is dedicated to assuring a strong presence in the New York State policy-making arena for the profession of dental hygiene.

Contacts: Beth Krueger, NYDHA Executive Director; Donna Hickey, NYDHA Vice President of Governmental Affairs and Public Policy - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..